Monday, October 13, 2008

Gates Enhancement Committee Meeting on 10/9/08

The first meeting of the committee on gate enhancement was somewhat of a surprise to all who attended. Most of the meeting was run by the president of the La Verne Live Oak HOA. Which was not correct, but when he, it appeared in exasperation, asked the chairman if he was ever going to do something the meeting heated up.

We were informed that the only information to go to the board of the HOA was to be from him and that all of the committee members had no say in whatever was recommended.
We did feel as if we were in the presence of a dictator.

When a member of the committee voiced concern and opposition, the chairman became very loud and informed all of us that if we did not agree with him we were off of the committee and that that member was kicked off right then and there because the board of the HOA had given him the power by making him Chairman.

It is apparent that if we ever expect anything to be done about the gates that the majority of the homeowners that live within the gates may want, it cannot be done with that person as chairman of this important committee. Most of the people concerned strongly feel that a survey should be conducted as soon as possible to ask the important question of whether or not there should be a guard shack (house or whatever) and guard, get that out of picture and then and only then can we get on with the problem of maintenance, or rebuilding or whatever of the gates.

This should be a decision of all the homeowners within the gated community. I might add that right now with the financial picture the way it is there are many who cannot afford any expense added to their lives and that those who want to add more to the gates to add a guard house/guard, beautify or anything else for their own ego massaging is really self-centered and thoughtless.

I would hope all that feel the way we do would try to appear at the next La Verne / Live Oak HOA Meeting (10/29/08 at the La Verne Community Center) and voice your concern.


Anonymous said...

Which committee member was removed from the committee?

Anonymous said...

New member, Carl Olson.

Anonymous said...

Committee members that have volunteered their own time to service on the gate committee should not be treated with such disrespect. On the other hand they have to realize that there is more to be concerned with then just how they are treated.
First, the committee chairman, can also be "fired" by a majority vote of the current board members. This action should be forthcoming and demanded at the next board meeting. Any and all chairs serve @ the pleasure of the board. Only 3 of the 5 board members have to agree, and the chair is removed.
Another chairperson can be appointed. Hopefully one that is not as narcissist. He may also have some bottled up animosity from past experiences, like being voted off the board that originally approved the gates. The following general election,after the gates were approved,and and all homeowners voting, overwhelming voted for new board members that were not involved with the gate installation. This same event could occur again if the entire voting population feels they are not being represented by the current board.
The current board president has only ONE vote on the board. The remaing FOUR board members,(only three are required) can dismiss any chair that is currently serving, and elect a new one.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that there is a working web site for our comments about the board and the people that attend the meetings, I was also at the meeting and have to admit that it started good and ended with dismay. I am sure that when it gets to the board that they will not get the information that we were supposed to give them that the committee will be disolved and the issue dropped.... Im not worried about the president of the board I over heard him speaking with another gentleman just before the meeting and he did not seem interested in the guard shack do to the cost he seemed very concerned about maintaining the gates.........I was reading earlier comments and someone said that a committee member was removed......., I saw no such action taken....

Hope this information is helpful

Anonymous said...

Rusty Massro must be removed from the gate committee chair position in my opinion as soon as possible. Mr. Massro has proven to be unwilling to move forward with the survey of homeowners nor made any effort to chair this committe in a fair and balanced manner. His rudeness and disrepect to others should not be tolerated by any of us. And we must also hold the Predident and the HOA Board accountable for Mr. Massro's behavior.

Mr. Massro does not own this community and should not be allowed to get away with this any longer.

Anonymous said...

Following this years elections of new board memeber, the board members will elect officers,(Pres,Treas,Sec,At Large,etc.) At this time it would be a good idea to restructure the board with all officers in a new position. A new President is a necessary change. The new board members can assign new positons since they all vote together for each positions. The majority vote will determine each position, and each position can be voted on separately.
New people should also run for office.